Quamash EcoResearch
Ecological Research in support of Restoration and Conservation

About Quamash
Quamash EcoResearch is a new LLC with a mission to carry out ecological research in support of conservation and restoration. We currently focus our work in Pacific Northwest prairie ecosystems, where we work on plant-pollinator communities, the ecological impacts of restoration, plant and pollinator invasions, and the conservation biology of rare butterfly and plant species. The majority of our work has a community ecology focus. We work with a diverse group of partners, including regional non-profits and both state and federal governmental agencies.
Why "Quamash"?
The name Quamash comes from the Salish word anglicized as “camas”, now the common name for the beautiful native plant that blankets Pacific Northwest prairies every spring. Camas (Camassia quamash), is a First Food that played a pivotal role in the pre-European ecology and economy of the Northwest.

Photo: David Cappaert
Our Projects
Fabulous prairie pollinators